Single dish
Dish Composition (hero)
Mjam - Food Photoshoot
V1.0 - 2021.10.05
Mjam is food delivery marketplace, where users can read menus, order and pay for food from participating restaurants using an application in the ios or android platform and as well as its website
Reminder: The appointment should be made no later than 48h after accepting the assignment. Once you have contacted the on-site contact, you must update the assignment’s page with the appointment date.
Rename your files following this structure:
Single Dish: dishname.jpg (e.g: beefburger.jpg)
Dish Composition: hero.jpg
⚠️Ask for the dishes' name on-site during the photoshoot to rename your files (you can also check them on Mjam's app)
📦 Check the quantity on your assignment page on the OCUS platform
Single Dish
Dish Composition (Hero) x1
Full frame or APS-C
General settings:
ISO max: 800
High shutter speed is recommended
35-90 mm
General settings:
Aperture: f/8 - f/16
Tripod + Backdrop
General settings:
45° for Single Dish photo
90° (top view) for Composition photo
Light backdrop is recommended (preferably wood or marble)
Natural & soft light from left or right
No strong shadows
Single dish
⭐️Single dish pictures are composed of a single main dish, optionally surrounded by decorative props.
Take a single main dish and center it in the frame.
📐Preferred angles:
45° > Pizza, Sushi Set, Soups, Curries, Pasta, Salads, Mixed Plates
0° (front view) > Burgers, Sandwich, Burritos, Drinks
Capture instructions
Center the dish and leave negative space around to facilitate post-production
We must see the ingredients clearly
Prefer a wood or marble backdrop
The food must be on a plate or on a board
Do not include plastic in the frame
Please follow the angles recommendation (45 or 0°) to show the ingredients at their best
Camera settings
50 - 90 mm
Aperture: f/8 - f/16
Dish Composition (hero)
⭐️A dish composition photo is composed of a main dish surrounded by at least 4 secondary dishes and decorative props shot at 90° (or 0° for drinks/burgers).
The dish composition photo will be used as a "hero" photo for the restaurant (the main image/banner of their page).
📐Preferred angles:
90° for most types of food
0° if the photo is only composed of drinks, burgers, etc.
Capture instructions
Place a main dish in the center and fill the rest of the frame with other dishes and props
Each dish must be on a plate or on a board
Prefer a wood or marble backdrop
Do not include plastic in the frame
Camera settings
35 - 50 mm
Aperture: f/8 - f/16