Studio single dish
Studio dish composition

VIP Culinary photoshoot
V 1.1 - 2021.12.08

"foodpanda is food delivery marketplace. The service allows users to select from local restaurants and place orders via its mobile applications as well as its websites.
foodpanda mission:
"Bringing good food into your everyday. That's our mission.
That means we don't just deliver -we bring it, always going the extra mile to make your experience memorable.
And it means this is delicious food you can enjoy everyday: from vibrant salads for healthy office lunches, to indulgent family-sized pizzas, to fresh sushi for a romantic night in. Whatever you crave, we can help."
If you are scheduling for the first time and are not sure of the correct process, please follow the instructions here to ensure that you follow the correct protocol with the business owner.
By accepting this assignment, you will be representing OCUS in the eyes of our client. We count on you to demonstrate a high level of professionalism in your coming interactions. If a photoshoot already has an appointment scheduled, please respect this appointment and only assign yourself to the photoshoot if you are available at this time.
Assignments are not all the same. Please go to OCUS platform and verify the imagery you need to deliver.
When and how to upload my images
To ensure consistency, OCUS is handling the post-production internally. Please respect the following requirements to make sure that we can deliver the best outcome to our client.
- Don’t edit any of your pictures (no crop, no edit)
- Don’t erase your metadata
- Select your best shots and don't send more files than required
- Follow the naming convention below (take some notes during the photoshoot to keep all the needed information)
Single Dish : dishname.jpg Dish Composition : hero.jpg Make sure the dish name matches the restaurant menu on foodpanda app.
- Please make sure you upload your media in the correct category. - Don’t forget to validate your assignment after uploading your files. /!\ Send your pictures the same day than the photoshoot before midnight. /!\ Keep your RAW files until your mission is validated.
Your mission is to showcase all of a restaurant’s dishes on foodpanda's platform when people order. Please read and follow these guidelines wisely, and make sure to:
- Highlight the restaurant
- Make the dishes appear delicious
- You speak German
- You are available to realize this photoshoot in the next few days
- You own a suitable background for this type of photoshoots: wood, stone, slate
If you don’t answer to these requirements, please release the assignment on the map, and another photographer will take it!
Always shoot in RAW, but upload JPG files.
Do not hesitate to visit our Help Center ( ) to answer the questions you might have and click on the "Chat with us" button to send us a message if needed.

Full frame or APS-C
General settings:
ISO 400 max
Shutter speed: 1/150

35-50mm (full frame)
General settings:
Aperture: f/5.6 - f/16
All the equipment above is mandatory. If one of them is missing, please do not take this assignment.

Studio Flash
Soft box
Gray card
background (wood, slate, stone)
- Studio Flash is mandatory.
- Soft light coming from the sides.
- Neither backlight nor reflection on the dish.
- No strong shadows.
Studio single dish
Single dish pictures are composed of a single main dish surrounded by decorative props.
* Set a 45° angle by default, 20° for burgers and sandwiches, 60° for soups, bowls, pizzas, etc.
Refer to your OCUS Dashboard for the quantity.
- Center the dish and anticipate the client cut ratio.
- Clean plate of dust & crumbs.
- Artificial lighting is mandatory.
- Horizontal format only.
- Decorative props should be included in the picture.
- Backgrounds are mandatory (textures allowed: wood, slate, stone).
- Dish must be as sharp as possible.
- We must see the ingredients clearly.
- Ask for the names of the dishes, you will need it when you name your files.
- Don’t include cutlery or chopsticks in the composition unless the restaurant manager requests it.
- Don't shoot plastic container if possible (food must be on a plate).
- Don't shoot food directly on the table.
- Don't shoot burger & pizza at 45° if you don't see the ingredients on the image.
- Don’t photograph alcohol bottles unless the restaurant manager requests it.
- Do not use restaurant table or walls as the background for the shoot.
- Do not use paper, plastic and silver plates for the shoots. Silver plates gives a weird reflection.
Camera settings
Shutter Speed - 1/150
35-70mm (full frame)
Aperture > f/5.6 - f/11
ISO 100 - 400 max.
Tripod, studio flash, Reflector.
Studio dish composition
Dish composition pictures are composed of a single main dish surrounded by secondary dishes and decorative props. If the restaurant does not provide the full amount of dishes, a minimum of 3 dishes is required to complete the single dish shots and composition image.
x 2
- Studio flash is mandatory, has to be used from left or right. - No strong shadows. - Neither backlight nor reflection on the dish.
- Decorative props can be added to a better looking of the image.
- Clean plate of dust & crumbs. - Props related to the restaurant identity can be added to increase the aesthetic of the visual.
- Do not show hand in the frame.
- Don't shoot plastic container (food must be on a plate).
- Don’t photograph alcohol bottles unless the restaurant manager requests it.
- Don't shoot food directly on the table.
Camera settings
30-60mm (full frame)
shutter speed - 1/200
Aperture > f/8 - f/11
ISO 100 - 400 max.
Tripod, Reflector, Studio flash